Epsilon3 Changelog #42: Image Annotation, Project Permissions, Substep Numbering, Unique Procedure IDs, and more!

Welcome! We’re excited for this latest edition of the Changelog, showcasing some highly requested new features. Plus more to come before the end of March!


  • Image annotation

  • Substep numbering

  • Enforcing unique procedure IDs

  • Project-level permissions

With permissions, you can enhance collaboration on procedures between organizations or even companies! Permissions lets you control who has access to certain procedures across your organization. Additionally, annotate your screenshots and photos right within Epsilon3 with our built-in tooling to speed your procedure creation. Then, see how we continue to streamline your workflows and propel collaboration across teams to next levels with optional substep numbering.

We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with Space Perspective to help unlock safe, accessible, carbon-neutral space travel for the world!

Lastly, we’d like to share our top five newsletter recommendations that cover the intersection of space, business, and entrepreneurship. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in our ever-evolving space industry by checking them out. Happy reading!

 – Laura

New! Image Annotation

Have you ever needed to add a quick annotation on your image uploads to call out the important parts? With our new annotation feature, now you can do just that! When editing a procedure, add an image and click the annotation pencil to start annotating. When you finalize, the image is merged with your annotations to lock them in.

  • Annotate any image type with arrows, lines, shapes, text and free drawing.

  • Move shapes around, undo and redo and delete them while annotating.

  • Change colors, stroke and text sizes.

New! Substep numbering

Sections have numbers. Steps have numbers. But what about all the individual items within a step? Now, with substep numbering, you have a definitive reference number for each of those too.

  • Workspace-level setting to turn on and off substep numbering.

  • Uses the numbering format already on sections and steps (ex. A1.1 or 1.1.1).

  • Automatically stays ordered even as you rearrange content.

New! Enforcing unique procedure IDs

We now enforce unique procedure IDs so that moving forward, all new released procedures will have a unique identifier and can be easily differentiable. This will keep your procedures organized, easy to manage, and no duplicates!

  • Each unique ID is only allowed for one newly released procedure.

  • Previously released and archived procedures are not affected.

New! Project Permissions

Looking to share only a subset of your procedures with someone, without granting them access to your entire workspace? Now you can easily add users to specific projects and restrict their visibility and role to only that project – ensuring they are not aware of any other projects within your workspace.

  • From Settings → Users page, select a user and assign ‘Access’ of ‘None’ to the workspace. This will restrict them from accessing all projects and procedures in that workspace. Then to provide them with access to specific projects:

    • Go to Settings → Projects page, select a Project. From Project Settings, add/modify the user’s permissions to that specific project.

  • Users with access only to specific projects will be able to see procedures and perform actions that belong to those projects, nothing more.

  • Permissions set at Workspace level are the user's minimum permissions. You can then adjust the user's Project permissions to a higher access level than their workspace when necessary.


  • Fix for removed tags not displaying in diff.

  • Fix for linked procedure sections not being correct when sections are moved.


Interested in learning more? Click below to get started.


Epsilon3 introduces new modules to speed operations


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