The Importance of Standardized Units in Complex Operations

We learn about units in 2nd grade. Why? Probably because without a unit tied to it, a number is mostly useless. When it comes to high-stakes work, knowing what units your team uses for measurements is essential, especially in industries where small errors can lead to big problems. At Epsilon3, we recognize how important accurate measurements are in keeping your operations running smoothly and safely.


Real-World Unit Mix-Ups

  • NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter (1999): One of the most famous examples is the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter. The spacecraft was lost because one team used metric units (newton-seconds) while another used imperial units (pound-seconds) for a critical calculation. This $125 million mistake could have been avoided with standardized units.

  • Gimli Glider Incident (1983): Air Canada Flight 143 ran out of fuel mid-flight because the ground crew miscalculated the fuel load, using pounds instead of kilograms. The plane had to make an emergency landing, but the situation could have been much worse. 

  • Space Mountain Axle (2004): An axle broke mid-ride on a roller coaster at Disneyland in Tokyo, causing it to derail. In 2002, new axles were mistakenly ordered using inches instead of centimeters because the design specifications were converted to the Metric System in 1995.


Why Standardization Matters

  • Prevents Miscommunication: When different departments or international teams use varying units of measurement, the risk of miscommunication skyrockets. Standardized units across an organization ensure that everyone speaks the same mathematical language, reducing critical errors and confusion.

  • Enhances Accuracy: Precision is crucial in fields like manufacturing, engineering, and science. Using consistent units ensures accurate measurements, which are vital for test management, quality control, and product reliability.

  • Saves Money: Mistakes from using the wrong unit can lead to expensive reworks, delays, and even project failures. Standardization helps avoid these issues, saving money and boosting efficiency.


How Epsilon3 Software Can Help

  • Centralized Library: Epsilon3 allows you to create a repository of approved measurement units for your organization.  

  • Precise Collaboration: Teams across every department and location work together by integrating standardized units into every procedure that requires careful measurement.

  • Conversion: Supporting a math.js library to support calculations from counts to units, from one unit measurement to another, with endless possibilities. 

  • Real-Time Updates: Changes or additions to the unit library are immediately available to all users, maintaining consistency across all projects and data entry.

Standardizing units across your organization is more than just a technical requirement; it’s essential for operational efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness. Epsilon3 provides the tools to create and maintain consistent measurement standards across your entire organization. 

Let’s work together to build a future where every measurement is precise, and every mission is a success!

About Epsilon3:

We’re a US-based software company on a mission to help teams manage complex operations in highly regulated industries like aerospace, energy, robotics, and manufacturing. Our web-based tools are used by NASA, Blue Origin, Redwire, and AeroVironment to plan and execute mission-critical procedures. The company and platform were purpose-built by engineering leaders from SpaceX, NASA, Northrop, and Google.


Epsilon3 Changelog #63: Lists in Tables, Auto-Generate Procedure, Part, & Inventory Numbers, Issues Redesign


Epsilon3 Changelog #62: Revoke Step Signoff, Table Signoffs, Review Parts & POs, Duro & Valispace Integrations